What Your Mom Wants More Than Anything

Consider all the time that your mother devoted to your needs from infancy to adulthood.  From the moment you were born she held you in her arms and never wanted to put you down.  She spent hours at practices, games, and dance recitals - transporting you everywhere.  You have been the apple of her eye and the light of her life.

There are a myriad of gifts for you to choose from for her special day. The chocolate goddess would recommend chocolate as part of the gift for Mother’s Day, but whatever the material gift is, it can become infinitely better by the addition of adding the pleasure of your company.  Ask any devoted mother, to her there is nothing as wonderful as hearing your voice and seeing your smile for an extended period of time.

Of course this isn’t always possible if you are working or live a great distance, but your special day together it doesn’t need to be Mother’s Day itself. A wonderful idea is gift certificate that comes with the promise of an entire day spent with you, lunch and or dinner included.  Visit her and bring lunch, stroll through a park or sit in a garden.  A ride to the country where you are her captive audience will delight and let her know it was all worthwhile.

Time is the best Mother’s Day gift of all.

- Barbara Esatto, The Chocolate Goddess